ASP.NET Web API In Programming

 ASP.NET Web API In Programming:

In this Post, we talk about ASP.NET Web API will serve as a proxy between the public Factual(Definitive global location data with tools to analyze, connect, clean, and map data for developers to use in building personalized, contextually relevant mobile apps), Factual API (The driver allows you to create an authenticated handle to Factual. With a Factual handle, you can send queries and get results back)

And your application. It will use the Factual C# driver to authenticate and consume data and then return to the user unmodified JSON results from Factual. In addition it will demonstrate use of Fractal’s Geo location filter to return nearby restaurants as well as an ability to specify a location and filter results by name.

          Request to get api data from server .
          Get the response in the form of JSON
Api controller
         Controller fetches data from factual using C# driver.
          Get api.v3
         JSON result.

 ASP.NET Web API In Programming


                                In the package manager console window: Install-Package FactualDriver, or right click on your project, click manage packages, search for factual and install. Project uses nuget automatic package restore feature, please keep in mind if you don't have automatic restore enabled you would need to enable it in. In Visual Studio, enable "Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build". 
This setting lives under Options -> Package Manager -> General. 


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